Monday, November 4, 2013

Can Your CPAP Make You Look Younger?

If you are diagnosed with sleep apnea, any physician’s advice would be to treat it as soon as possible.  There are dozens of benefits to treating your sleep apnea, most importantly, that your overall health is improved.  Not until recently did we ever know that using CPAP therapy could help you regain that youthful glow so many men and women desire.  Researchers at the University of Michigan conducted a study and found that patients who consistently use CPAP therapy to treat obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) have noticeable and measurable improvements in facial appearance. 
Researchers took three-dimensional images of the participant’s faces before the start of their CPAP therapy and two months after consistent CPAP use.  Volunteers and the participants were asked to judge the before and after photos.  Both groups were two times more likely to say that the participant in the after photo looked younger, more youthful and more attractive.  Additionally, image analysis showed that facial redness around the eyes and cheeks diminished after only two months of using CPAP therapy.  Lastly, forehead surface area decreased in the patients.
Instead of running to the plastic surgeon for cosmetic facial surgery, ask yourself if you are getting enough sleep or if you have some of the signs and symptoms of sleep apnea.  CPAP therapy could be the cheapest and noninvasive facelift on the market!



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