Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Get Outside To Get Through The Winter

During the winter, especially in colder climates, many people "hibernate". We don't recognize our neighbors in April because we haven't seen them since late November. If you haven't experienced one, Rhode Island winters are cold and wet. New Englanders know Mother Nature has a personality disorder up here. A foot of snow on Sunday turns into slush on Tuesday, and ice on Wednesday. By Friday, good old Mother Nature will dust us with some snow just to hide the ice. This makes the walk to the car in the driveway a blooper waiting to happen. I don't blame people for wanting to stay inside where it's warm and dry. The temperature fluctuations are maddening. Every handshake and door handle you touch is one giant germ waiting to attack.  
That being said, on a recent trip to Park City, Utah I experienced something totally refreshing. It happened while watching the local evening news. As they were going to break, one of the anchors said with a smile and jolly tone, "he's wearing his white jacket you know what that means". I paused for a moment; what the heck are they talking about? I realized it was the meteorologist who had the jacket on. I get it. White jacket equals snow on the way. Let me back up. Yes, I went to Utah in February. When people asked where I was going on vacation and when the response was Utah, I may as well have two heads. Park City is where many of the Winter Olympic events were held in 2002. I guess people forgot they had the Olympics there or were surprised I didn't mention a warm weather destination. Long and short, they claim to have the best snow in the world for skiing so I went to check it out.
Back to the white jacket…All of the newscasters were excited for snow. The meteorologist was grinning ear to ear. Proclaiming it's coming, we need it. What a 180 from a Rhode Island newscast. Here is a group of people who realize, “hey, it's winter it is going to snow”. They have a huge local economy that depends on snow. They truly embrace all winter activities. Granted, Rhode Island does not depend on snow as a boost to the economy. In fact, it can be a drain if town plow budgets get busted. We should still look at the snow in a more positive way. No more doom and gloom of a snow-pocalypse. If you love being outside in the summer then love being outside year round. There are so many outdoor winter activities and the Winter Olympics are a perfect example of this. Use these activities as a conduit to make it through the winter to the spring and summer. You don't have to downhill ski or snowboard. You can cross country ski, go snowmobiling, snowshoeing, ice fishing, sledding, ice skating or dog sledding. You could build a snowman or think of shoveling as a good workout. We all know being active makes for a happier healthier mind and body. Don't get me wrong, I love the summer and so do the people in Utah. Many of the people I met told me they love the winter but the summer is just as good. So, get out in the snow and distract yourself and the summer will be here before you know it. You may discover a new passion.

Good Luck,

Dana Lesperance

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