According to the National Sleep Foundation, 41% of Americans are report sleeping problems. Are you part of that 41%? Not getting a good night’s rest can lead to serious health problems. Heart attack, stroke and weigh gain could be caused by lack of sleep. To avoid feeling tired and sluggish during the day, follow these 5 easy steps on how to get a restful night’s sleep!
1.) Relax your mind. Worrying
about work, bills and family before or in bed can lead to an uneasy night. Try keeping a pen and paper on a nightstand
and write down a “to-do” list for the next day to help keep your mind
2.) Put the iPhones and tablets away! The light from your phone, electronic device
and even the television can interrupt your natural ability to fall asleep. It’s best to keep these distractions out of
the bedroom.
3.) Keep cool.
Keeping the temperature in the bedroom between 68-72 degrees is
best. If your body temperature is cool,
you will most likely be able to fall and stay asleep through the night.
4.) Save your coffee for the morning. Consuming caffeine, alcohol or nicotine
before bed might not cause you to not FALL asleep, but it will cause you to not
STAY asleep. These stimulants take hours
to wear off and interrupt your body’s natural feeling of being tired at night.
5.) Make a bedtime schedule
and stick to it. Whether it’s taking a
warm bath or reading your favorite novel, doing relaxing activities before bed
will improve your quality of sleep. Also,
try going to bed around the same time every night, so after some time, your
body will automatically recognize when you’re sleepy.
Regardless, listen to your body and remember that with a
good night’s sleep you will be healthier, more active and ready to take on
whatever your day has to offer!
Sweet dreams,
Ashley Fishback
References: The Pulmonary Press August 2013